BERITA - - Meski sudah lama disosialisasikan, jam masuk sekolah yang lebih pagi bisa jadi membuat siswa-siswi di DKI Jakarta kaget. Banyak murid pun terlambat masuk sekolah di hari pertama pemberlakuan kebijakan itu. Namun ada sedikit keringanan dari sekolah. Mereka tidak akan dihukum meski datang telat. "Bagi siswa yang terlambat tidak akan dihukum, tapi bila sudah 3 kali, orang tuanya dipanggil," kata Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Taufik Yudi Mulyanto. Hal itu disampaikan dia usai meninjau pelaksanaan penataan jam sekolah di SMA 39 di Jalan RA Fadillah, Cijantung, Jakarta Timur, Senin (5/1/2009). Sementara itu Ketua Forum Komunikasi Komite Sekolah Seluruh Indonesia (FKKSSI) “Bambang Sutomo” menegaskan komite sekolah sudah sejak jauh hari mendapat sosialisasi mengenai rencana memajukan jam sekolah ini."Komite sekolah sudah mendapat sosialisasi sejak delapan bulan lalu," jelasnya ketika dihubungi lewat telepon. Bambang justru mengkhawatirkan kurangnya bus sekolah di Jakarta yang baru berjumlah 34 buah. "Idealnya ada 200 bus sekolah. Organda diharapkan bisa mengatasi itu," tambahnya.
Sumber :
I agree with the enforcement of policies that promoted school hours, because in my opinion with the existence of policies that many students will understand the importance of discipline with respect to time . So that, they could set their time with his best time.
First of all, due to any reason, late is the thing that is not good for many people. Late in many cases such as for school, entered the office, or else it's worse. Supposedly, we can become a discipline’s person to respect the time, how to realize uncomfortable such delay by the efforts of each individual to be able to set the time. For example by calculating the travel time is required when leaving from home to school or workplace. And travel time should also be added with time to wait for buses in the shelter and the congestion that may occur. Competency calculate this would reduce the burden of his mind because of his mistake when trying to be disciplined.
Secondly, After becoming a discipline’s person, for the next step, we should have a committment. Commitment is the unanimous determination to a vision of the plenary. Visionary people will have a very clear direction of the struggle. Such people are the ones who should be an example to the surrounding environment. If we had a hard committed of time ,we surely became a discipline’s person.
Third, with a clear vision, then it must be based also by the patterns and behaviors that hold firm to the discipline. The last but not least, the Government, especially Organda should help kelancaraan policy accommodation by adding more school buses. Thus, in terms of accommodation does not need to worry about.
Therefore, we all want to feel success in the future isn’t it? Begin as early as possible to get used to the discipline of time, if we forget we can write (list to do) that their activities will be conducted notes of a small, easy to carry anywhere. Thus, we can appreciate the time and will not allow a second time it was lost. Start from small thing, for example we can manage our bedtime, studying time and playing time. So that, our time become more useful and not wasted. Cooperation between parents, teachers and goverment must still be maintained. Hopefully, all we can become better human beings, because it's never too late to learn. To the end, leave the bad qualities like laziness, because feeling lazy will be damage ourselves.